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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.


Honestly, where has this semester gone? I know I’m not alone when I say that it feels like yesterday we were stepping foot into our new classes and beginning the spring semester. Perhaps it’s because the weather still has yet to warm up. Now that we’re about five weeks into the semester, it’s time to get ready for midterms. Midterm week is perhaps more stressful than finals since we don’t get off from classes to prepare for these big exams and assignments, but the girls at Her Campus are here to provide you with some tips that will relieve the pressure of midterms.

1. Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute!

Be sure you’ve been keeping up with class readings and lectures! This will help be sure you don’t have to cram studying into the night before the exam which isn’t good for anyone to do! Cramming the night before the exam will not help you to retain information and you’ll only stress yourself out. Do a little bit of studying/reviewing for the exam about a week before the test and assign yourself which parts to study each day leading up to the exam and make the day before the exam simply a review of what you already know. Cut off your studying time at least three hours before you plan on going to sleep the night before the test so you can take time before bed relaxing your mind.

2. The Night Before

With those few hours before bed do something that will relax your mind and make you feel better! Some good ideas are to listen to a music playlist of your favorite songs! If you don’t already have it, download Spotify onto your computer and make a playlist! Another idea is to workout! Whether it’s taking a class like yoga at the East Gym or simply taking a brisk-paced walk around campus, exercising is a great way to clear your mind, relieve any pre-exam nerves you may have, and to even feel good about your body after! You can also gather a group of friends and suggest to go out for a nice dinner the night before the exam! Perhaps what is most important though is to get a good night’s rest. Try to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep before test day so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your midterms!

3. Appearance!

When you wake up feeling refreshed, make sure you leave yourself enough time to put yourself together nicely! If you take the time and effort to wear an outfit that makes you feel your best, chances are you’ll perform your best on your exams! If you roll out of bed and show up to the exam in your pajamas, you’ll feel more tired and have a harder time focusing. Put yourself together in a way that will make you feel confident because if you feel confident you’ll feel better about yourself!

4.  Eat the Most Important Meal of the Day

So many students wake up and head to class without feeding their bodies. They call breakfast the most important meal of the day for a reason and if there’s anything you do the morning of your test, it should be to eat a healthy breakfast! Eat something high in protein and fiber! Some good ideas are whole grain toast with a veggie omelet or an on-the-go parfait made with Greek yogurt, your favorite granola, and fresh fruit! Don’t forget that if you are a regular coffee drinker, today is the day to drink that cup of coffee as early as possible to avoid any caffeine-withdrawal headaches you may be prone to.

5. Take a Breath

When you get to the test, take a deep breath and remember you did everything possible to prepare for the exam. You studied, you relaxed last night and got 8 hours of sleep, you’re wearing your favorite cute outfit, and your mind is fueled with coffee and a healthy breakfast. All that’s left now is to take the test, rock it, and wait to find out how awesome you did! Good luck! 

Samantha Wieder is a senior at Binghamton University. She's majoring in English Rhetoric and minoring in Cinema. Heavily involved in campus, she's proud to be part of BTV, Binghamton's student run television station, as production manager on e-board. She's also a member of the Marketing Association, staff writer for Pipe Dream Release, and a sister of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi. During the summer of 2014, she was an Editorial Intern at Long Island Pulse Magazine in Patchogue, NY and during the summer of 2015, she was a Marketing and Communications Intern at Hazon, a Jewish non-profit in the Financial District. She looks forward to interning at FOX 40 in Binghamton during the spring 2016 semester and to begin a career in New York City for post-grad life. She looks forward to another incredible year of writing for Her Campus!