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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

While studying abroad is one of the most exciting opportunities college students have, let’s face it – it’s a little scary too. Packing up your life into a suitcase (or three) and moving to a foreign country is a bit nerve wracking, to say the least. So here are some tips to put you at ease so you can enjoy the best semester of your life!

  1. Bring plug adaptors. As soon as you arrive in your new home you’re going to want to charge your phone and let everyone know you’ve made it! You definitely don’t want to get there and realize your US charger won’t work without an adaptor. Universal adaptors, like this one, are best so you’ll be covered on trips outside of your host country as well.

  2. Buy an international phone plan or local SIM card. While a phone is an extra expense, it is absolutely worth it. Being able to use Google Maps everywhere you go is essential to figuring out how to navigate your new city. You’re also going to want to have a phone on you in case of any emergencies. And it also doesn’t hurt to be able to Instagram all of those amazing photos you’re going to take even when you’re not on WiFi.

  3. Pack wisely. You’re not going to be able bring your whole wardrobe with you and that’s okay. Just pack the clothes you love and are comfortable in. Leave room in your suitcase for purchases made abroad because you’re going to find new stores in your abroad country to fall in love with! Also, remember that you may be travelling to places with very different climates so layering options are key.

  4. Don’t forget to budget. Study abroad can get expensive so budgeting from the beginning is important. Trust me, you don’t want to get halfway through your program and have to stop traveling and going out because you have no money left. Plenty of my friends had to sit out on fun experiences because they spent way too much at the beginning – don’t let that be you! Additionally, everyone’s financial situations vary so try to find people to travel with that are on the same page as you in terms of spending.

  5. Bring beauty products you love from home. Many brands won’t be carried anywhere in your host country so if you have a specific type of shampoo or foundation you can’t live without, make sure to bring it. But if you’re not too attached to your products, save the room in your suitcase and experiment with foreign products when you arrive!

  6. Pack any medicine you may need. Don’t forget to bring any prescription AND over-the-counter medicine you may need. Take it from someone who didn’t have enough allergy medicine and found out the hard way that a comparable drug didn’t exist anywhere in Europe.

  7. Be aware of pickpocketing. Make sure your bag is always secure by buying locks beforehand and leave any valuables locked up in your room when you don’t need them. For everyday travel, a crossbody bag that can be kept in front of you is best. Also, bring photocopies of key documents to minimize your loss in case of theft. Lastly, be aware of your surroundings and stay vigilant in large crowds, especially near major tourist attractions.

  8. Put yourself out there. Push yourself to meet new people. Whether you’re going abroad with friends from home or don’t know a single soul in your host country – you can always make new friends! Mingle with the other international students as well as locals. You’ll be glad you did when you return to the states with amazing friends from all over the world.

  9. Travel as much as you can. You’re in a new part of the world and are much closer to exotic destinations than you would be at home, AKA you can travel there for much cheaper! Take full advantage of this.

  10. Don’t forget about your host country. Time flies when you’re abroad and you don’t want to get to the end of your semester and realize you’ve been all over Europe but didn’t get to explore your host country. When you’re not travelling to other countries, plan day trips to new cities in your host country. Experience local culture like plays, concerts, museums, and local food.

  11. Have fun! Your semester abroad is sure to be an amazing experience you will cherish for the rest of your life. Do something new everyday and enjoy it while it lasts! Most of us will never get the opportunity to live abroad for 5 months with little to no responsibility again so make the most of it and enjoy!

Samantha is a senior at Binghamton University majoring in Integrated Marketing Communications and minoring in Global Studies. She is a proud member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi and Vice President of the Binghamton University Marketing Association (BUMA). She just got back from an amazing semester abroad at the University of Westminster in London. You can find her loudly singing along to the Hamilton soundtrack. Follow her on Instagram / Twitter.
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