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A Crew With a Cause: All About Berry’s Love Your Melon Team

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Berry chapter.


Love Your Melon is a brand that works to provide a hat to every child in the U.S. with cancer by selling beanies to the public. In addition to providing hats, 50 percent of every donation from a beanie purchase goes toward cancer research and therapy efforts for children with cancer.


The organization is made up of network of 11,000 students at over 736 different colleges nationwide called Love Your Melon Ambassadors. The ambassadors work to fulfill the goals and mission of Love Your Melon. Two of the newest ambassadors are sophomores Stanton Quinnelly and Jacob Belcher, who started the Berry College Love Your Melon Campus Crew this year.



“I heard about Love Your Melon from a friend, and I knew that Berry didn’t have one,” said Quinnelly. “I went on their website and applied, and they accepted me as an ambassador. Jacob [Belcher] actually applied at the same time I did, so they put us in contact with each other.”


Quinnelly and Belcher built a team of Berry students who are passionate about the Love Your Melon cause, which includes providing students with kits of items to allow them to provide “super-hero adventures” for children suffering from cancer in their local communities.


“All of us really want to get out in the community. One of our main goals is to give [kids with cancer] a source of fun,” said Berry Love Your Melon Campus Crew member Sarah Parker.


If you want to help out, there are many volunteer positions within the Berry Crew. Crew member Carissa Yeaney’s advice for helping out is simple: buy a hat in the loveyourmelon.com shop.


“As you check out, choose Berry College as the organization you’re supporting. That’s how those points get transferred to us,” Yeaney said.


Quinnelly explained why the points matter.


“For every 50 hats we sell, we get a level up. When we get up to a certain level, [Love Your Melon] provides us with more opportunities to go to into the hospitals and visit the kids at their homes,” Quinnelly said.



To purchase a hat, visit loveyourmelon.com and select Berry College at checkout! You can also follow Love Your Melon Berry on Facebook for updates and upcoming events.


All images are from the Love Your Melon Berry Facebook page.

Abigail (Abby) DeGennaro is a junior at Berry College. She is majoring in communication with a concentration in PR and a minor in English. Abby enjoys reading mystery novels, bicycling, and watching "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" for the hundredth time.
Annabeth Sadler is the campus correspondent for the Berry College chapter of Her Campus. She is a junior majoring in communication with a concentration in public relations. Annabeth is from Valdosta, Ga. and graduated from Valdosta High School. She adamantly wanted to be a spy when she was a little girl, but these days she's thinking that after graduation she would happily take a job working on the PR side of the publishing industry or a job with the Her Campus management team. Annabeth enjoys reading YA fiction, watching the same movies over and over again, following Ed Sheeran closely on social media, and avidly using song lyrics in her every day vernacular.