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What You Need to Know About Bentley’s Medical Amnesty Policy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

A big part of college culture is alcohol. Bentley University is a wet campus, but many underage students still find ways to consume alcohol. However, it is incredibly important to drink responsibly, no matter the circumstances. However, being worried about getting in trouble for underage drinking shouldn’t stop you from getting help for a friend who’s had too much to drink. That’s why Bentley created their Medical Amnesty Policy.

What is the medical amnesty policy?

The Medical Amnesty Policy states that “any student who requests help from a university official for
themselves or another student, will not be charged through our conduct system for alcohol policy violations.” This means that if you’ve been drinking and you’re underage but you need to call University Police because your friend has had too much to drink, you will not get in trouble for underage drinking. Your friend who needs help also will not get in trouble – they will just have to go through harm reduction education with the Office of Wellness and Health Promotion to prevent this incident from repeating itself.

So what does this mean?

This means that you should not be scared of getting you, your sick friend, or the other friends you’re with in trouble if someone needs help because they’ve had too much to drink. The school would rather you call University Police and get your friend the help they need than let them “sleep it off” and have their condition worsen. Health and safety come first, always.

When does the medical Amnesty policy not apply?

The Medical Amnesty Policy does not apply if a university official, like an RA, finds you too intoxicated and needing medical attention. The Medical Amnesty Policy only applies if a student calls University Police for medical assistance for another student or themselves. Therefore, don’t wait until you get caught – be smart, and call UP when you or a friend have had too much for the night.

Hi everyone! My name is Banmai Huynh and I am from Chelmsford, MA. I'm a Corporate Finance and Accounting major at Bentley University in Waltham, MA and I’m the President of our Her Campus Chapter. I joined Her Campus because I think it's a great creative outlet for college students. I like writing about my personal experiences, opinions, and recommendations! Thanks for reading!