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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

It’s that time of year again when you’re dreading your skincare routine and makeup feels like an absolute chore. Your face feels itchy, dry and no matter what time of day it is your skin is suffering from the crisp cold air. But this year, we are going to keep our summer glow and stay hydrated with the help of some of my favorite products:

1. Clinique Moisture Surge

100/10!! This Clinique moisturizer is a fan favorite! It acts as a great base to any skincare routine and truly leaves your skin feeling cool, lifted and hydrated. With dehydrated dry skin in the winter it’s important to have a product that locks in your moisture for endless glowy skin. This is one of those products I use morning, night and anytime I need a little extra glow. 

2. CeraVe Healing Ointment

I recently tried the CeraVe Healing Ointment and I’m hooked. This product will leave you with an oil free glow! Something I always worry about is my skin breaking out, but not with CeraVe. This is grease and oil free, so it looks great on your skin and leaves you feeling even better!  Apply morning and night after your moisturizer for soothing refreshed skin.

3. Saie Glowy Super Gel

This will soon be your favorite glowy prep set. Mix into your favorite moisturizer, foundations or wear alone for a lightweight refresh for your skin.

4. ILIA Super Serum Skin Tint Foundation

In a world of tinted sunscreens, this foundation is the winner! Think summer, glazed glowy vibes all year round. This lightweight dewy finish replenishes your skin, blends in seamlessly leaving your skin looking and feeling alive! 

5. Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm

Tiktok Viral Summer Fridays is viral for a reason! This lip balm is always on the go with me, from class to the gym and anytime I need some extra hydration. In a matter of seconds your lips will go from dry and chapped to smooth and shiny.

Ciera Howard

Bentley '26

My name is Ciera and I'm from Ocean City, New Jersey. I'm currently the HerCampus Social Media Shadow. My favorite things to write about are wellness, fashion and beauty. When I'm not writing I love going to pilates, spending time with friends and playing tennis. Follow me on Instagram @cierahoward_