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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

By Emily Pfeil

With midterms coming up and the workload progressing in classes, we need to remember to always take care of our mind and body. On the first day of the week, we should be preparing ourselves for the week ahead with a fresh mindset, rejuvenated body, and clean space. Here are tips on how to have the most efficient Sunday Reset Schedule: 

No alarm – Sunday should be a day of resting and resetting. Especially with early classes coming up in the week, we need to make up on sleep as much as possible during the weekend. This way, during the week, we can be more productive by waking up early. 

Make a to-do list – Lists are a perfect way to organize your day and see what you need to get done. It also helps in making goals for yourself that keeps you motivated to accomplish by the end of the day. 

Make your bed – This is the first step to checking something off your to-do list for the day. An easy task is already done, and once your bed looks perfect, you won’t want to ruin it until you go to sleep… refraining you from laying down when you have things to do! 

Screenless Sunday – In order to get as much done as possible, we need to get away from social media. Set a limit on your phone on Sunday’s with how much time it can be on for. This is also a good way to have a detox in general… 

10 minute clean up – This does not need to be a deep clean, just a quick timer to help create a clean space for the following week.  

Get fresh air – Sit on a bench to have your morning coffee, go on a walk, sit outside during lunchtime. Fresh air is important! 

Shower – Feeling clean and energized for the day is key! This will wake you up and encourage you to do your best while you feel your best. 

Laundry – Doing laundry on a Sunday will have you prepared for the week with all your favorite outfits on deck. This is another check off the to-do list and is a productive task of the day. 

Drink water – Hydrate!!! You cannot complete all your tasks throughout the day without some H2O. Your body needs water, fill up a cute bottle for the day and remember to carry it around with you. 

Intentional self-care – Complete an activity of self-care every Sunday. This is a perfect way to feel good for the following week and show yourself that you care. Watch an episode of your favorite show, complete a yoga video, start a new book, journal, eat your favorite dessert, or use a face mask…. Like the new Sun bum one! 

Homework – Lastly, don’t forget about schoolwork that needs to be done! Sunday does not need to be filled with homework for the entire week, but definitely complete assignments that are due Monday.