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Sigma Chi is Going Hairless for Huntsman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Sigma Chi is holding an event called “Hairless for Huntsman” to give back to their fraternity’s cause, the Huntsman Cancer Institute. The guys have set a goal to raise $5,000 and if they reach their goal, over 30 of the brothers have agreed to shave their heads, although being the great sports that they are, even if they don’t reach their goal some of the brothers agreed to shave their heads if a lesser amount was raised regardless. The guys are brining in actual barbers from Sules Barber Shop right here in Waltham,  so if you want to see all the brothers participating get their heads shaved help them reach their goal by coming to the event and donating! 

The best part is you can see it all go down December 14th at 9:30pm in the Living Room of the Student Center. So, grab your roommates a handful of cash and head on over to Breakfast at Moonlight a little early to support the brothers as they try to give back to a great cause! If seeing guys get their heads shaved wasn’t enough of an incentive to go, they have partnered up with Bentley’s Love Your Melon Campus Crew who will be selling merchandise at the event. The brothers will also be raffling off over a thousand dollars worth of prizes. Want to get in on the raffle? All you have to do is donate to the cause. Every $5 you donate counts as one raffle ticket.

Whether you just want to give back or hope to win some of the raffle prizes here’s the link to donate:


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Katie is in denial that she is a senior soon to be graduating from Bentley this spring. When she is not in class or at a meeting you can find her at a country concert any given day of the week. Besides country music she loves shopping, sushi, and all things Greek Life. Add her on insta @katesbgates
Hi, my name is Molly! I'm currently the Co-President and a Campus Correspondent for Bentley University's HC chapter.