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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

We’ve all heard the saying “Mom is always right.” I used to hear this saying and I hated it. I hated admitting that I was wrong and that my mom was, once again, right. However, now that I’m nearing my twenties, I can confidently say that this saying rings true – my mom is always right. Here’s a list of the most important times that my mom has been right so that you can stop doubting your mom if she’s saying the same things.

“You’re only going to wear that once”

We all have that one item in our closet that we bought on a whim and have only worn once – or even worse, still haven’t worn. When I’m out shopping with my mom, she always bets that whatever I really want to buy, I’m only going to wear once. I always argue that I will wear it regularly but unsurprisingly, all these pieces have been gathering dust in my closet. Next time your mom tries to stop you from buying something you don’t really need, don’t just tune her out – consider what she’s saying. Odds are that if your mom doesn’t think you need it, you probably don’t.

“Everything will be fine”

I always go to my mom when I’m stressed out – even when I’m at college. Whether I have a horrible professor, an exam counting for 35% of my grade, or a ton of assignments due the same day, my mom’s heard it all. However, she never gets sick of hearing it and instead reassures me every time that everything will work out. And she was right – I never had to take another class with that professor, I got an A on that exam, and I eventually got all my assignments done one-by-one. My mom (and probably yours, too) is great at calming me down and letting me know that everything will be alright.

“This won’t even matter by this time next week”

Sometimes the smallest things feel like the end of the world, and I know that I’ve fallen victim to this mentality time and time again. Times where I’ve gotten into a fender-bender, fought with a friend, or got yelled at by my manager at work all leave me feeling like my life is over. However, when I run crying to my mom about these situations, she always reminds me that these issues are so small in the grand scheme of things. In reality, all these things won’t matter in a week – they’ll just be funny stories to look back on. So next time, when I’m freaking out about a certain situation, I need to remind myself – just like my mom would – that it won’t be a big deal by this time next week.
Motherly advice can feel annoying, patronizing, or overprotective at times but at the end of the day, I know I’d be nowhere without my mom. Appreciate not only the things your mom does for you, but also the things she tells you because we all know by now, Mom knows best!

Hi everyone! My name is Banmai Huynh and I am from Chelmsford, MA. I'm a Corporate Finance and Accounting major at Bentley University in Waltham, MA and I’m the President of our Her Campus Chapter. I joined Her Campus because I think it's a great creative outlet for college students. I like writing about my personal experiences, opinions, and recommendations! Thanks for reading!