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Everyone Needs A Little Inspiration

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

There I was sitting in the library on a Monday morning once again preparing for another tornado of a week and then I received a not so average email. What was it? As the email read it was a, “collective, constructive, and hopefully uplifting exchange.” What did it require me to do? Make another person’s day. It was the beginning of my inspiration emails. All I had to do was send someone a little piece of inspiration. Once I sent that person their inspiration, my next task was to inform fifteen other people that they should do the same thing and continue the chain. It may have taken me a total of three minutes and the person that I sent my words of wisdom to hopefully had a better day because of it.

We may all have those simple phrases we repeat to ourselves over and over again in order to get through the most difficult and stressful times. Or maybe there are quotes that you have carried with you ever since you were a little nugget of a kid. Whatever your inspirational words may be, why not share it with another individual.

Inspiration can be found around us all the time. From the spirits of loved ones that live on within us, to the people you find yourself around the most, to simple words you see, to taking a walk outside. Inspiration is everywhere. Many times as never-stopping-always-having-something-to-do college students we lose track of where our inspiration comes from. Look around you and you will find it. And then share it. Inspire someone else to be awesome.

You never know what kind of day someone is having and a little inspiration may help them with whatever they are dealing with. And don’t just stop with one email to a friend keeping spreading what inspires you. Give someone a little encouragement. They may need it more than you could ever imagine. So if you find yourself wondering why you should do this, there is simply no excuse not to.

And lastly from me to you…..Shine like the Sun. A few simple words I carry with me every day to always keep a smile on my face and strive to be my best. Give other people inspiration. Give other people the power.

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Good vibes. Shine on.
Bentley University