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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Avocado is not only the most delicious fat, but it is one of the healthiest. It has an abundance of nutritional value at only 5 grams of fat per serving, and makes even the blandest sandwich taste good. Below, I have included 5 simple and easy ways to incorporate avocado into your diet. Enjoy!


            There is nothing better than throwing a piece of whole grain or oatmeal bread into the toaster and starting your day with Avocado Toast. Avocado is a great way to start your day because, like bananas, they contain a crazy amount of potassium. Avocado is also said to keep your hunger satisfied for around four hours!


            Mayo has been an essential lunch condiment since Marie Antoinette, but times are changing and so are condiments. If you thought turkey was good with mayo you won’t believe how yummy it tastes with avocado. Avocados are loaded with fiber that keep you going throughout the day. Also, nothing is more disgusting than having mayo-breathe, so avocado is worth the switch. As though avocados couldn’t get any better, they are gluten free, dairy free, and cholesterol free!!


            Every time I make a salad I throw avocado in it. It always adds flavor and goes great with anything. Avocado is a stomach slimming food that also helps with digestion. When making a salad, my favorite combo is balsamic-based dressing with tomatoes, avocado, spring greens, and mozzarella.


            You’ve probably never thought about avocado in baked goods but this healthy switch can reduce fat and eliminate all saturated fat. Pureed avocado can be used in place of butter, or even eggs. Although the baked goods may have a greenish tint, you can’t taste the avocados. So next time you’re baking a batch of blondies, throw some avocados in and you are pretty much the next Jenny Craig.


            Avocado has superpowers when it comes to beauty. It can be used for skincare or hair treatment. Avocado can moisturize dry sensitive skin as well as help with anti-aging. Avocado makes hair softer and shinier. My personal favorite is slicing avocados into pieces and placing them under my eyes. It’s an easy and natural way to reduce puffiness.