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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

This semester I started my own blog. Here are 5 things I’ve learned about trying to become a bonafide blogger… 


Set aside time to work on your blog… A lot of it

Blogging is time-consuming, especially as you are just starting out. You have to set up your website (not to mention choosing a platform to host the site), you need to create social channels to promote your work, gather followers and create good content all at once. It can be overwhelming to look at all of these different aspects while putting your work out into the world. Basically, I’ve found that you get out of it what you put in, you’re not going to see results if you just put it on the back burner.

Blog about what you want 

It’s easy to lose a bit of confidence when you’re thoughts are being placed on the internet for anyone to judge. But I think the key to good content is being truthful to yourself and your interests. So if you love some really obscure band and want to write about that, then do it. If you’re super into fitness, incorporate that into your blog. Write about what you want, it’s inevitable that someone on the planet will find it worth reading!


Confidence is Key

It sounds cliche but this is true. I’m an introvert and blogging has been an intimidating concept to me for so long. I always thought that only extroverts could put themselves out there in such a way but I was wrong. I have felt like blogging has pulled me out of my shell a little bit, which was one of my reasons for starting a lifestyle blog. 

Use your Resources

I have enjoyed the blogging project more because you can see plain results through things like google analytics. I would highly recommend checking your analytics pretty much every day, especially when you are getting started. Analytics can show you how many people are visiting your site and what articles they’re reading the most. Once you develop a following then you don’t need to check as often. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help or consult resources especially when it comes to getting your blog off the ground! 


Stick to your guns 

It can be easy to start doubting yourself as you go through this process. You may worry that no one is interested or you’re not seeing the results you wanted. But it takes time to build up your following and find your niche. Keep at it! 


As a shameless plug: feel free to follow my blog, Rains&Shine. It’s for a grade so if you want to help me not fail my class by signing up for my newsletter (under “Follow Me”) that’d be great! 

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Madeline is a senior at Belmont University in Nashville and a lifelong Tennessean. She is majoring in Entertainment Industry Studies with a minor in Business Administration. She loves binge watching dramas on Netflix, going to Predators games, and spending time with family and friends.