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3 Ways To Start The Semester Off On The Right Foot

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

Welcome Class of 2021! Here are our tips to starting off your first semester on the right foot!



Starting a new semester means getting a clean slate. A new semester means a new set of textbooks, new pens and pencils (because, lets face it, you probably lost most of them the first couple weeks of last semester and have one or maybe two left), and a fresh supply of declining points so you can go back to eating Chick-fil-A every day. A new semester also means a fresh academic slate. You get a chance to start over with new professors and classes this semester, so here are some ways to start this semester off on the right foot.

1)  Introduce Yourself to Your Professor

On the first day, go up to your professor after class and introduce yourself. Just a quick conversation can help to build a positive relationship with your professor. This will show them that you care about the class and want to do well. If you’re having trouble later in the semester, your professor can give extensions, extra tutoring, and sometimes allow students to re-take exams or quizzes. The professors at Belmont genuinely care about you and they will definitely be willing to help you out, especially if you have a good relationship with them.


2)   Read the Syllabus

While this may not be the most exciting read of your life, this can really help you understand how your professor grades the class. Every teacher has unique policies and ways of grading, so if you aren’t aware of these policies, this could hurt you later in the semester. A lot of professors also put due dates and assignments in the syllabus and may not remind you as those dates approach, so make sure to put these in your calendar!

3)   Plan a Homework Schedule

During the first couple weeks of the semester, things can be hectic as you settle into a new schedule. Especially while you are still getting used to your new classes, it’s easy to forget about homework assignments. This could end up costing you some very late nights, hurting your homework grade, and putting you behind. An easy fix for this is just to block out dedicated homework time in your day for each class. This will get you into a routine so you make sure to stay on top of any assignments that come your way.

Take advantage of your fresh start this semester and you’ll thank yourself later! 

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Singer/Songwriter from Phoenix, Arizona