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Thoughts People Have During Really Boring Classes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

As the excitement of being back on campus starts to fade, it’s inevitable that some things are going to get boring. Unfortunately, for most of us, the first thing to go is class. Classes can be exciting, but if you get the wrong professor or subject, they can be dreadful. Here are some thoughts that are bound to go through any girl’s head as she tries to make it through a particularly boring class.

1. “This class is so boring.”

2. “I’m actually not sure I’m going to be able to keep my eyes open.”

3. “What would happen if I fell asleep right now?”

4. “That would be so awkward.”

5. “What is the professor even saying?”

6. “I need a manicure.”

7. “‘My nail beds suck.’”

8. “Mean Girls was such a good movie.”

9. “I should watch Mean Girls later.”

10.           “Shoot, can the professor tell I’m not paying attention?”

11.           “Probably. I should pretend to take notes.”

12.           “I didn’t even bring a pen.”

13.           “If I try to get my laptop out now, (s)he’ll know I haven’t been taking notes this whole time.”

14.           “Unless she/he just thinks my pen died.”

15.           “Yeah, definitely, because I’ve been taking so many notes! Duh!”

16.           “She/He totally looked at me funny when I took out my laptop.”

17.           “Oh well. At least I can online shop.”

18.           “J. Crew emails about sales are the best worst thing that have ever happened to me.”

19.           “This dress is so cute!”

20.           “Do I have any place to wear it?”

21.           “I mean… Maybe I’ll get invited to a ball or something! I should get it.”

22.           “Oh the professor is writing on the board. I should copy this.”

23.           “What does that even mean?”

24.           “I should just drop this class.”

25.           “Is it too late to drop classes without withdrawing?”

26.           “Yeah.”

27.           “Great.”

28.           “I’m starving.”

29.           “I wish I had a calzone right now.”

30.           “Oh or Pad Thai.”

31.           “Definitely Pad Thai.”

32.           “Maybe my roommates will order take out with me tonight.”

33.           “Is this class seven hundred hours long?”

34.           “But actually, what is happening?”

35.           “This is the longest class I’ve ever been in.”

36.           “I’m never taking classes on Tuesdays or Thursdays again.”

37.           “Or Mondays or Fridays.”

38.           “Wednesdays? I can do Wednesdays.”

39.           “Did he just say homework assignment?”

40.           “Ugh.”


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I am a Political Science major and Women's and Gender Studies minor at Boston College. I am an RA on campus and am involved in the Student Admissions Program. Since I am from Florida, I can legitimately say that I love long walks on the beach. I also love getting lost in a world fabricated by a novel, there is honestly nothing better.