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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Now that Senior year is finally here, I have officially been slotted into the “SWUG” stereotype. For those who don’t know, SWUG stands for “senior washed up girl”. Being less than a month into my final year, I’m not feeling the full washed-up effect, but a boat-load of other emotions. Here are some other SWUG terms that I think most seniors can relate to:


S-Stressed: I am trying to take in every moment of senior year, but I guess I kinda forgot about the whole “have to get a job” thing, along with the “finishing out my major” thing as well. But we can put those on the back burner for now, right?


W-Weird: I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT I AM THIS OLD  AND ADULTHOOD IS SOON APPROACHING, maybe I should have made the S stand for scary instead?




U-Unforgettable: The first couple weeks of the semester are hopefully setting the tone for the rest of the year, being filled with the Mods, game days, and minimal school work.


G-Graduating: A word that I’m sure will be banned from my room soon enough.


Happy start of senior year class of 2019!!









Hi! I'm Shannon Brink and I'm currently a freshman at BC. I'm from a small town in New Jersey, and I love being outdoors and traveling with friends and family. I'm the youngest of three, and living in a male dominated house where football typically takes over the dinner conversation, it's refreshing to have an outlet to talk about things that genuinely interest me and are relevant to my life as a clueless freshman trying to learn the ropes of college.