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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

With a name that translates to “fun” in Hindi, you can be sure that watching MASTI perform is, indeed, (super) fun! From their sparkly costumes and beautiful bangles to their extreme energy, MASTI dancers successfully tie in culture and technique when they hit the stage. They aim to inspire their audiences, and they’re pretty good at it given it’s hard to leave a MASTI show without a smile on your face. To be sure, the members’ talents do not go unnoticed – they were the Cultural Champions at The Annual Showdown earlier this year!


BC MASTI is the only South Asian dance team at Boston College. MASTI’s goal is to expose its members, as well as the rest of the BC community, to a style of dance that many have not previously encountered. More specifically, MASTI uses styles like Bollywood, Bhangara, and other dances to all types of South Asian music. Currently, MASTI has team of fourteen members that work to master these cultural styles.


MASTI announced as the Cultural Champions of Showdown 2014!


Have you not experienced a MASTI performance? Or maybe you’re a long-time fan? Either way, you’re in luck! MASTI has plenty of performances coming up THIS WEEK!


To start, MASTI will dance this FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 at around 2pm at BC Street! The event described as “BC meets Boston” exposes numerous dance and a cappella groups that get to perform throughout the day at O’Neil Plaza. If that isn’t enough convincing, there will be food and other exciting activities—so, be sure to stop by! BC Street will go on from 10:45am to 2:15pm, but definitely check out MASTI around 2 pm! MASTI captains say they’ll be “performing something old with some new twists.” More information regarding BC Street can be found on the MASTI Facebook page


MASTI performs at Showdown 2014


In addition, MASTI will perform at Raunak this SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 at 7:30pm at Harvard University’s Lowell Lecture Hall. Raunak is New England’s intercollegiate South Asian dance showcase, and will be produced by Harvard’s South Asian Dance Company. It will feature dance groups from over ten different schools, including, of course, BC MASTI. Come support your fellow Eagles! You’ll get to expand your horizons by watching exciting performances by dance groups from other schools, as well as cheer on your favorite BC group. You’ll be immersed in a different culture, and it will be the perfect excuse to get out of the “BC bubble”. Tickets can be pre-ordered for $10, or you can grab them for $12 at the door. For more information about Raunak and to purchase tickets, please visit the Raunak event Facebook page.


MASTI at Arts Fest 2014


MASTI does a variety of shows throughout the year, both at Boston College and off campus. After a busy October, MASTI will be involved with performances at Bentley on November 9 and Brandeis on November 22. In terms of BC, keep an eye out for MASTI as the group makes appearances at different dance and cultural shows, like Showdown and Arts Fest. One show that MASTI is proud to be a part of is the Annual SASA (South Asian Student Association at BC) Culture Show, which will be held February 7, 2015. This Culture Show is open to all members of the BC Community, not just the members of dance groups. MASTI captains say that everyone needs to sign up “because it’s super fun and is really no pressure at all!” If you were looking for ways to get involved with South Asian dancing, this would definitely be a great opportunity! For more information on the Culture Show, please visit the SASA website.


And if you’re interested in trying South Asian dancing, but don’t want to be involved in a show, don’t despair! MASTI will be trying to hold workshops at the Plex! It’s something the group has been trying to do for a while, but this year the members are determined to make it work! The captains say, “It’d be a great, easy way to just learn some South Asian moves and also have a lot of masti (which means fun)!”


MASTI performs in Parampara 2013


Overall, MASTI lives up to its name pretty well – pure energy, excitement, and fun are apparent whenever the group is on stage! You will love any MASTI performance that you see. So what are you waiting for? Definitely check out the group at BC Street this Friday and at Harvard this Saturday! Keep up with BC MASTI on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/bcmasti, where there will be updates and information about their upcoming events. And if you have any questions or comments, MASTI is happy to hear from you at bc.masti@gmail.com. Like I said, you need to check this dance group out, because we all need extra masti in our lives!



Photo Sources:





Nadya is a Communication major and Computer Science minor in the honors program of Boston College. She loves to dance, and is also a member of DOBC (Dance Organization of Boston College). Nadya has loved writing for HCBC and can't wait for another year!
I am a Political Science major and Women's and Gender Studies minor at Boston College. I am an RA on campus and am involved in the Student Admissions Program. Since I am from Florida, I can legitimately say that I love long walks on the beach. I also love getting lost in a world fabricated by a novel, there is honestly nothing better.