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A Pre-Cell Phone Friday Night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


Take a moment to think of all the things you use your phone for throughout the day.  Checking emails, Facebook, Twitter, keeping track of time, making plans for meetings and lunch with friends, listening to music, checking your reflection to make sure there is no food on your face… the list could go on and on.  I can’t speak for all of you, but I think its safe to say that if you had to spend a day without your phone, you would feel quite lost.  You might even have to participate in that dreaded thing known as human interaction.

Now that I’m thinking about it… how did people survive the weekend before cell phones existed?  What was a Friday night at BC like without the power to contact your friends at any given moment?


1.  It must have been harder to find plans

Now when my friends and I go out to different places for the night, we part ways saying “Text me if it’s any good!” What did they used to say? “I’ll send a messenger if the party is fun!”

2.  And definitely harder to meet up with people

How many times during the night do you call your friends to see what they are doing or to ask if they want to meet you in Lower for Late Night?

3.  No drunk selfies to document your night

We all admit that some of the events of a Friday night can seem a little blurry in the morning, and it is great to discover the pictures you forgot you took to help fill in the blanks.

4.  If there was actually an emergency it would be more difficult to get help

Before cell phones you would have to be in a place with a phone or actually find a policeman if you needed serious help. Now they are available at the touch of a few keys.

5.  It must have been easier to get lost and stay lost

If I am looking for a party off-campus, it is really convenient to pull out the map app on my phone to help me find it. Also, when I’m wandering aimlessly looking for the right mod, the phone-a-friend option always comes in handy.


1.  The night must have been more spontaneous

A night unrestricted by constant contact with everyone you know asking where you are or what you are doing must have been very free!

2.  No drunk texts that you regret

For some reason it ALWAYS seems like a good idea to text your ex or that guy you like when you are out on a Friday night. Without cell phones this would never even be a concern.

3.  No drunk selfies

Yes, this is listed under both pros and cons, because although we all love a good selfie, there is a point where enough is enough.

4.  No excuse to be awkward and alone in a corner

When you don’t really know anyone at a party it is tempting to whip out your phone so it looks like you have friends, but before cell phones you were forced to actually make some.

5.  Don’t have to worry about carrying it around!

Having to carry your phone is an extra burden that comes with the worry of dropping it or even losing it… (Which would ironically leave you temporarily phoneless and in the very situation described above).

Photo Sources:


Meghan Keefe is a senior associate on the integrated marketing team at Her Campus Media. While she was a student at Boston College, she was on the HC BC team and led as a Campus Correspondent for two semesters. After graduating and working for three years in public relations, she decided it was time to rejoin the Her Campus team. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring Boston and traveling - anything that gets her outside.