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Making the Most of your Winter Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

After a grueling end of the semester with enough finals, presentations, and papers to kill us, it’s easy to just get home and rest. I know that personally it is tempting to just curl up in my comfortable bed with my dogs and do nothing but watch TV and eat insane amounts of home-cooked food. However, it’s really important that you make the most of your winter break and not fall into the same slump that most college students do.

Make the time to visit your friends from home and town friends. Even though it is much less drama-free to lounge around the house, it’s crucial that you use all of your break time wisely, especially if you are traveling.

Get caught up on laundry, and then move on to more important activities. Don’t be that kid that leaves all their laundry for mom. Split it up so that you do some of the laundry and then let your mom help with the rest.

Clean out your book bags and binders for next semester. There is nothing worse than coming back to school with a dirty book bag and notes all over the place from last semester. Get new supplies if needed and prepare for a fresh start in your new classes.

Spend time with your family. Although this seems like a given, it is really easy to curl up and watch Netflix all night and forget that you have siblings and parents that haven’t seen you in months. Take the time to hang out with them and do fun family activities, such as driving around and seeing different holiday lights or making cookies and hot chocolate!

Continue to work out and stay healthy. It is easy to see break as a time of pure rest, but it is important to keep up your regular workout schedule. Even though you are done with classes, your body will still need to exercise. This will also help with unwanted weight gained over the holiday season.

Finally, enjoy your time at home and gear up for another fabulous semester at BC. We are so lucky we go to such an amazing school! Remember that when you are coming home from a long break away from campus.


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum