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Little-Known, Easy Makeup Solutions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

It’s difficult to complete every step in our daily beauty rituals every single day.  Here are a few things you can do when faced with limited time, a minor pimple crisis, or anything else you might have to deal with!

What happens if…you wake up in a “friend’s” bed the next morning, face unwashed?

As soon as you get home (I’m talking just walked in the door), scrub your face hard with a citrusy face exfoliator. Make sure to get inside creases, like your chin, the sides of your nose, and between your eyebrows. Harsh scrubbing is normally harmful to your skin, but once isn’t going to hurt you.  Wash with warm water, and then afterwards, with cold water to close your freshly-cleansed pores back up!

Try: St. Ive’s Apricot Facial Scrub


What happens if… you have really chapped lips?

For mild to moderate chapped lips, a lip scrub is the best thing for gradual care and healing.  Chapstick is too goopy for me—Fresh’s Sugar brand of lip treatment has just enough “scrub” in it to take away the dead skin particles, but doesn’t dry out or damage your already red lips.

Try: Fresh’s Sugar brand lip treatment


What happens if… you have an oily zit that won’t go away?

Sounds crazy, but toothpaste may be the best thing for it. It’s an old remedy that many people frown upon, but I have seen work firsthand.

Try: any basic, non-whitening toothpaste


What happens if… you have no time to shower, but have oily hair?

The best solution is to use baking powder No, seriously! Put a tablespoon in your hair if it looks a little greasy, and then let it sit for a few minutes before rubbing it off with a towel

Try: Arm and Hammer Baking Powder


What happens if… your eyeshadow doesn’t look like it should?

Use chapstick! Put a layer of chapstick on your eyelids to make your eyeshadow stick better and look more like its intended color.

Try: Burts’s Bees non-comedogenic lip balm


What happens if… you have puffy eyes that won’t go away?

You’ve seen it before, but cucumbers and cold spoons really do the trick!  Put a spoon that you’ve chilled in the freezer under each of your eyes for a few minutes, and then use cucumbers (if you have the time) on your lids to keep off the puff.  If you’re about to go out, use a bright white eye brightener in the inner creases of your eyes to draw the focus away and make your eyes seem even brighter!

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