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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

There might not be anything more I hate about BC than doing laundry. The trek to the basement, the front-load washers and the dryers that don’t dry…ugh. But this article isn’t about complaining, it’s about finding the best ways around these issues so we can all have clean clothes and smiles on our faces. Here are some tips and tricks for doing laundry:

1. Always separate colors from whites.

I am definitely guilty of sometimes being too lazy or cheap to pay for two washers, but separating your dirty laundry into at least these two categories will ensure that colors stay vibrant and clothes get clean.

2. Keep a pre-treater next to your hamper.

This way it will be easier to remove stains before they set in or get a head start on things that may need a bit of extra help (perhaps the pits of the t-shirt you just wore to the Plex).

3. Know what your clothes need.

Here is a diagram of what all those tiny little picture on the tags of your clothes mean. Do your best to follow them if you want to keep your clothes looking fresh.

4. Use high efficiency laundry detergent.

All washing machines at BC are high efficiency, meaning they use less water and need less detergent. Look to buy a detergent with the high efficiency symbol shown below and remember that you really do not need to use a lot.

5. Use baking soda.

Baking soda seems to be the number one laundry helper. Adding baking soda to your wash can: make your whites brighter, serve as a natural fabric softener, remove harsh odors (again with those Plex clothes) and be a great spot stain remover when mixed with water into a paste.

6. Wash sheets in hot water after one week of use.

This one is definitely hard. I recommend having two sets of sheets so you can wash them together every two weeks or partner up with your roommate and take turns washing sheets, making sure that the water is hot so that any nasty dust mites that may have made their way into your bed won’t be able to make a forever home of it.

7. Zip zippers before you wash.

Unzipped zippers in the wash can cause damage to the zipper, the washing machine, and other clothes. Zip them up before washing to protect your favorite lace top from becoming a victim of a zipper rip.

8. When removing “good” clothes from the washer, take each piece out one at a time and then lay it in the dryer as flat as possible.

This will ensure that your clothes don’t come out in a knot and that they will emerge from the wrinkle machine dryer as wrinkle-free as possible.

9. Add a clean dry bath towel to your dryer load of heavy colors.

The towel will help absorb extra moisture and reduce drying time, thus helping jeans to actually come out dry!

10. Never forget to empty the dryer lint.

Emptying the lint will help your clothes dry faster, but more importantly, a build up of dryer lint is a major fire hazard! Always remove lint from the dryer before and after you use it.

Hopefully these tips were helpful and your next laundering experience will be a positive one. Also, don’t forget to exercise good laundry rooms manners: make sure to come pick up your clothes as soon as they are finished so no one has to wait too long or move your clothes.











Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum