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How to Work Your Glasses with Makeup

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

On days where I have to wake up early (9am classes are the worst!), I sometimes just throw on a little mascara, my glasses, and run out the door. But there are other days when 1) I have more time and 2) I  still want to rock my glasses. I used to always use my glasses as a shield when I was tired or didn’t put on too much make up, but last year I got new glasses and well now, I want to wear them more. Here are some of the best tricks and tips for rocking your glasses!

1. Don’t overload on makeup.  When I have contacts in, I like using a bit more eye shadow. But when I’m wearing glasses, I like to stick with neutral colors. Glasses frame your eyes so you don’t need crazy colors to attract attention. Some nice shading and killer mascara will have you looking cute in less than 5 minutes.

2. You can wear eyeliner! I used to be really worried that glasses plus eyeliner would look a little to heavy. Stick with a thin liquid line or a blurry eyeliner pencil, it won’t be overkill. Remember the eyeliner should be as thin as your rims are thin, and a little thicker for bigger rimmed glasses.

3. Brows, brows, brows. They don’t have to be perfect, but make sure they are clean and defined. After all, they help frame your face.

4. Lipstick is your best friend! Honestly this is one of the greatest makeup related epiphanies I’ve ever had, second only to tinted moisturizers. Such a time saver! Anyways, pick a bright red or pink lipstick and you’re set. Glasses, mascara, and red lipstick is my go-to if I sleep too late. It was also the only makeup I was wearing for my “Wearing Your Guy’s Clothes” article. (Shameless self-promotion!) 

5. Shimmer eyeshadow! A little shimmer on your lower lid will help your eyes sparkle.

6. Rock a smile! This should be a rule regardless of your choice of or need for glasses. Be confident and remember you rock. Even on those mornings when you have to run for the Newton bus, or walk in late to class.

So I hope you have some fun new ideas of makeup to wear with glasses. For some more inspiration, check out the first two links below. Now you’ll never be as cute as these spec-sporting children below, but you can always try. Good luck!

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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum