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How to Transition from Party Friends to Real Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

We all have those friends we see at parties that we may strike up a conversation, decide to makelunch plans, but then come Wednesday that week, nothing comes of it. You want to be friends, but don’t know how. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Here is a how to guide to have those party friends become real friends.

1. Get their number. Duh!

I personally see nothing wrong with the classic, “I think you’re super cool, we should hang out,” but I see the issue with the whole overbearing-honesty thing. For you less awkward folk, anything along the lines of “this was so fun, you should come out with us next weekend! Let’s exchange numbers” is way more casual.

2. “I’ll text you!” – Don’t just say it. Do it!

Don’t be afraid to actually text someone. If the vibes were good before, they’ll likely stay that way. Chances are they’re looking forward to hearing from you. Who doesn’t want more friends? Crazy people, that’s who.

3. Stop for a conversation when you see them around campus.

NO BC LOOKAWAYS. NONE. EVER. Lookaways brew a thick, inescapable awkwardness that never quite loses its stench- you know what I’m talking about. When you see them around definitely flash a smile and give a rousing,“Hey!!!” People really respond when you express how happy you are to see them.

4. Invite them to a pre-game or some other small gathering.

Transitions can be tough, which is why baby steps are really important. Inviting them to a smaller social gathering doesn’t jump the gun, but definitely gives everyone the chance to get to know one another better. Introduce them to your friends and be sure to make them feel welcome.

5. Ask to grab coffee or lunch.

Do this within a week or two so they know that you meant it. Text them about their schedule and find a day that works best. Meeting at the Rat between classes is a laid-back, pressure-free environment for early friendships, but White Mountain is a sure-fire suggestion, as well!

6. Repeat previous step

BOOM, you have now transitioned from being just party friends to real friends.

Crossing the line between party friends and real friends can be a struggle sometimes, but absolutely worth it in the end. With these steps, you will be on your way in no time!









Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.