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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


Can you believe it? It’s almost time for exams! This semester has absolutely flown by and it’s almost summer break! But before we can enjoy the sunny days with our friends and families and enjoy a much-needed break from school, we all have to get through exams. For two weeks, college students all around the country will live in libraries, function on little to no sleep, and endure enormous amounts of stress. In preparation for these weeks of torture, here are some tips on how to stay organized before and during finals:


1. Type Your Notes/Rewrite your Notes

I like doing this because it helps me get a better grasp of how much material I need to cover for a test. It’s helpful to expose yourself to everything again before narrowing in on studying specific areas of material.  


2. Re-read the Syllabus

Sometimes it’s a good idea to reacquaint yourself with what you’ve covered during the semester so that you have a better idea about the themes, concepts, and larger ideas of the exam. This is a good way to help organize your studying and break the material down into sections.


3. Print out Readings

​​It’s often a good idea to print out the readings from the semester if they’re online. This is helpful in having fresh, clean copies of everything so that you know you’re not missing anything. If your readings are in a book, try scanning pages or simply marking specific sections with sticky-notes.

4. Utilize Sticky-Notes

Speaking of sticky-notes… use them to mark sections of material or specific lectures that you feel less comfortable with. This is helpful when you go to study because you’ll know which areas need more focus than others.


5. Prioritize

Sticky-notes can actually help with this step, too. To help maximize efficiency while studying, prioritize the areas that need the most work. This way, you don’t waste time learning things that you already know and you can focus on getting a better overall understanding of the information. ​


6. Go to Office Hours

Making connections with your professors is always a good idea… but it’s especially important to go to office hours before an exam if you don’t feel comfortable with the material. Your professors can help teach things again or they can help you focus your studies. You can’t go wrong!


7. Focus on Your Health

With so much stress, it’s easy to neglect taking care of yourself. Make sure you’re taking the time to try to work out, eat well, and get plenty of sleep! Your body will thank you :)

Good luck with exams, everyone!!










Vanessa is a senior at Boston College studying Economics and Communications. She is proud to be the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus at Boston College!