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HC BC’s Pet Peeves

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

We all have our pet peeves. Let’s be honest, most of us have at least one…or 12. Do you ever stop to think about if your pet peeve might have not crossed the mind of the person sitting next you chomping their gum so loudly you can barely hear your own thoughts? They probably have no idea they’re even doing it. Have you ever wondered what everyone else’s pet peeves are and whether, believe it or not, you may be the cause of someone’s incredible annoyance? Just in case you have ever wondered these things, I took it upon myself to find out people’s pet peeves. Here’s the list we came up with:

1. Slurping your soup: please, when you’re enjoying your chicken noodle soup in The Rat, remember your table manners that you were taught in 3rd grade.

2. Dragging your feet: just because you’re tired or decided to wear UGGs to class today does not give you an excuse to drag your feet around campus. Pick ‘em up and walk like you didn’t just roll out of bed (even if you did).

3. Chomping your gum: we don’t want to hear you smacking and popping your gum every five seconds.

4. Sniffles: okay, we all fall victim to this one, but bring some tissues and blow your nose. Nothing more annoying than that person sniffling during a midterm in a lecture class of 300 people.

5. Headphones too loud: no, we don’t want to hear that hip new song that apparently you want everyone in O’Neill to hear. Turn it down.

6. Loud people in the library: Shhhhhhhh.

7. Slow walkers: this is a personal pet peeve. Along with picking up your feet, pick up the pace!

8. Slow texter-backers: ‘nuff said.

9. Slow drivers: a terribly annoying experience when you get behind someone going 20 MPH in the fast lane.

10. When couples sit on the same side of the table: is it even possible to have a conversation when you’re sitting this close to each other?

Well there you have it, BC, people’s biggest pet peeves. If you find yourself annoyed by any one of these, take a look at yourself and make sure you’re not the one annoying someone else around you.


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I am currently a student at Boston College studying Communications & French.
Meghan Keefe is a senior associate on the integrated marketing team at Her Campus Media. While she was a student at Boston College, she was on the HC BC team and led as a Campus Correspondent for two semesters. After graduating and working for three years in public relations, she decided it was time to rejoin the Her Campus team. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring Boston and traveling - anything that gets her outside.