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Give Thanks and Give Back

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


Thanksgiving is most definitely my favorite holiday. So naturally, by means of association, November is a great month. The Thanksgiving spirit always reminds me how grateful I should be. It’s so easy, and I’m sure most BC students feel this way, to forget about the many things I should be thankful for, and instead focus on the frustration of exams, papers, grades, jobs, and classes—especially during midterms. But November hits at the right time for this, right after midterms, when I finally feel that I can catch at least a short break, and remember how good I have it. This realization in November always motivates me to show my appreciation, and give back to those I am thankful for and to those who may not have all of the things that I do. So, if you too are feeling that awesome Thanksgiving spirit, here are a few ways that you can volunteer this month and give back!


Turkey Trot

Every year that I’m home for Thanksgiving my whole family does the Turkey Trot in my hometown. What is a Turkey Trot you might ask? It’s generally a 5k or a race of some length on Thanksgiving Day, of which the proceeds generally go to a food bank or some other charity. I can tell you from experience that although it generally requires waking up before 10 am, it is energizing, fun, and an easy way to give back to the community! Check out the local one in your town or click here for a few in the Boston area! 

Soup kitchen/Homeless shelter

For us, Thanksgiving means overindulging on turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie; but for a lot of people that just isn’t the case. So why not volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter? There are plenty in the Boston area like Haley House and Rosie’s Place that are always looking for help and it is a truly rewarding experience.

Eagle Volunteers

The great thing about Eagle Volunteers is it’s a BC volunteer group that requires no long-term commitment. Every Wednesday, transportation is provided to St. Peter’s Teen Center in the afternoon and you can go once, or as many times as you want, no strings attached. All you have to do is sign up the Sunday of the week you want to go and you are al set to help middle school and high school teens who can benefit from your experience! Follow this link to find out more. 


In addition to these few examples of how to give back to the community and really express thanks, the VSLC newsletter always has great opportunities for BC students any time of the year to volunteer. But whether you’re volunteering in your community or simply volunteering your time to a friend in need, it is so important to acknowledge what you are thankful for and expressing it through actions.


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum