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Fitness Hacks for Lazy Girls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

We all have our lazy days. For some, it is a lifestyle!

Here are some fitness hacks for us lazy girls who need a bit more motivation to be fit and healthy:

1. Mutual Accountability

Make a pact with your friend(s) or roommate(s) to work out a certain number of times per week. Set a date and time and show up. If you’re anything like me, trying to get to the gym by your own will never work out. This way someone else is counting on you- backing out would affect them just as much as it would yourself.

2. Take Advantage of Fitness Classes

Plans to “go to the gym” are much more likely to fall through than plans made to attend a certain fitness class. Plus, classes are SO much more fun than the same old gym equipment. My personal favorite is Zumba, but I’ve heard endless praises for spinning, barre, and yoga classes!

3. Always Take the Stairs

I know what you’re thinking: “But you said ‘lazy’ girls!” I know, but trust me. Promising myself to always take the stairs was one of the easiest yet most effective choices I’ve made for my health. Plus, the sense of empowerment that comes with walking past the elevator and toward the stairs is unbeatable. #BossAssBitch #ForTheBooty

4. Walk When Time Allows

Heading into Boston? Not in a rush? Walk to the Chestnut Hill or Reservoir T stop instead of taking the bus. It’s not so far that it cuts into your day, but long enough to get your blood pumping, your glutes working, and your mind cleared. Choosing to walk when you can is beneficial to your health in countless ways; don’t underestimate it!

5. Water Water Water Water Water

The importance of a decent daily water intake is entirely underrated. Insufficient water intake can cause countless health issues. It affects weight loss, headaches, sleep, complexion, energy level, immunity, brain function, and plenty of other day-to-day aspects of our health. I’m not the best at drinking enough water so I’ve started a daily log to keep track of how much I’m drinking each day. My goal is two liters per day and trying to achieve that goal helps me steer clear of sugary drinks, too!

6. Be Food-Smart

Diets are ambitious. Instead, just try to pay attention to what you’re putting in your mouth. Small changes can make a large impact: for example, using a light dressing on your salad or choosing a veggie over potatoes. Know that you’re done eating by listening to your body, not by seeing an empty plate. And lastly, eat the cookie (but don’t eat 5 more).

7. Fitness Games

These are the absolute best. Get in a quick and fun workout during your favorite Netflix-binge session! Similar to the first tip, I would get a friend or two for this, too, otherwise, the couch might be too tempting to fight alone. The best ones I’ve found are here:



…but you could also make your own!

From one lazy girl to another, keep on keepin’ on.



















Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.