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Closet Cleanup

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

It’s one month in and guess what? My room already looks like I’m using clothes as some form of new age rug. Besides the clothes on the floor, none of my designated drawers stayed designated; I have sport bras with the socks, and believe me, almost nothing is folded. As I struggle to reorganize my closet, here are some tips and tricks to help you keep yours looking nice and organized!

1. Bins, buckets, and baskets, oh my! Roll sweaters or jeans. Throw in your out-of-season shoes to keep them hidden out of the way. Keep bags, hats, scarves anything tucked anyway in cute little baskets on your closet shelves. 

2. Hang what you can, all that you can, as much  as you can.  I cannot stand folding. I don’t have the patience to do it after I do the laundry and especially not after trying stuff on to wear in the morning.

3. Shoe organizers for jeans! Roll your jeans/leggings and fill one of these bad boys up. Easy to see, easy to use, easy to put away. I filled half of mine with shoes and the other half with jeans.

4. Use cups and small baskets to organize things on your desk. That way you can just throw pencils in a basket but it still looks organized.

5. Drawer dividers are a life saver. Use them so you can just throw socks in one side and tank tops in the other and not have to worry about it getting mixed up.

Hopefully these tips help! Good luck and happy organizing!