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BC Does Peanut Butter and Jelly

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

I was strolling through the online magazine of Bon Appétit when I came to an article called “How to Make a Better Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich,” which struck my curiosity. It made me wonder is there a right way to make a PB&J sandwich, and if so, am I doing it wrong? So I surveyed some BC students to see how the average BC student makes a PB&J:


First, the bread: The average BC student uses sliced wheat bread. (77% surveyed)

Peanut Butter or Jelly First? The average BC student spreads Peanut Butter on first. (85%)

Do you spread it on both slices or just one? This was a toss up. 58% spread it on one slice and 42% on both slices.

Do you use the same knife to spread both PB and J? The majority of BC students use the same knife for both. The minority is probably cringing at the thought of peanut butter or jelly in the opposite jar.

Controversial Question: Skippy, Jif, or Other? This was a complete toss-up, despite my biased hope that Jif would win out. 35% Skippy, 30% Jif and 35% Other.

Anything interesting you do when making your PB&J?

  • “I exclusively listen to Beyoncé while making PB&J”
  • “Toast the bread!”
  • “Usually sing ‘Peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time, PEANUT BUTTER JELLY, PEANUT BUTTER JELLY, PEANUT BUTTER JELLY AND A BASEBALL BAT!!!’ Please YouTube PBJ song if you are unfamiliar with the previous lyrics.”
  • “Panini and bananas!”
  • “I actually don’t believe in Peanut Butter and Jelly. I believe in Peanut Butter and Chocolate…because doesn’t everyone want an excuse to have Reese’s Cups in their lunch?”
  • “I put a lot in because I like it when PB and J drips onto the plate so I can scrape it up with my bread crust.”
  • “Make it in a single piece of bread putting one on each half and folding it.”
  • “Triple decker, jelly in the middle.”
  • “I only use homemade raspberry jam in mason jars. Instead of using a knife to spread the jam, I usually shake/pour it from the mason jar in a huge pile in the middle of one of the pieces of bread. Then I squeeze the two pieces of bread together to even out the jam. However, there is usually excess which oozes out the sides. Therefore, I lick the oozing jam/PB until I can squeeze the two slices of bread together without any oozage. THEN, and only then, I eat it like a normal human…It’s barbaric but strategic.”

Agree? Disagree? How do you make your PB&J sandwich?


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Briana is a junior at Boston College studying abroad in Parma, Italy. She studies English and Italian. She loves books, clothes, and country music. Add her on twitter @brigalita !!
Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum