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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

After a long winter and what seemed to be a never-ending school year, it’s finally time to look forward to summer! Here are a few things that you can look forward to doing the second you start your vacation!

1. Seeing your dog. Let’s be real, sometimes I only want to go home because of my dogs. Seeing our furry friends is just so exciting!

2. Getting off the meal plan or cooking for yourself. Nothing beats home cooked meals and going to your favorite local places at home.

3. Pool and beach…enough said.

4. Getting a summer tan!

5. Sleeping in your own bed because those twin XLs are not the most comfortable.

6. Not having schoolwork. Sometimes I start to feel guilty that I don’t have work to do, but we all deserve a break!


Have a great summer!



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Nursing student at BC who loves coffee, country music, the state of Maryland, and anything pink.
Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.