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5 Ways You’re Starting The Semester Off On The Wrong Foot

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

I know, I know… The title of the article alone was a little intimidating. It’s too early in the semester to start thinking about things we could possibly be doing “wrong” when we JUST got back to school, right? Well, here are things you might be doing that may not seem like such a big deal now but are worth fixing before the busyness of the semester settles in and the stress really begins.

  1. Not Keeping Up With Reading Assignments

So classes just started this past week, but have you already found yourself putting off reading assignments?  Although getting your readings done the same night they’re assigned might not always be possible as the semester progresses and assignments pile up, you have no excuse to fall behind on reading assignments at the beginning of the semester. You’re only hurting yourself if you procrastinate for a class and end up cramming reading after reading the night before the mid-term. And if you’re feeling ambitious, you can even use this time of the semester to get ahead.  

  1. Not Staying Organized

You don’t have to have your life planned down to every miniscule detail, but setting a general study schedule for yourself and writing down major test dates and project or paper due dates helps you in the long run. Start off your semester with a plan of attack for studying. With your planner handy, look through your syllabi and jot down major assignments and exams with their corresponding date and figure out what days are your “busy days,” so you can organize your time around that to study.

  1. Beating Yourself Up About Your Appearance

Upon returning to campus from break, it’s easy to criticize yourself for any holiday weight gain and feel guilty for “eating too much” over the past few weeks. Having a negative body image, in turn, can take a toll on your mental health and, consequently, your motivation to stay focused on schoolwork. Combat this phenomenon by focusing your energy on keeping up with school and starting the semester off with a positive attitude, while also making an effort to eat healthy and exercise.

  1. Procrastinating About Summer Plans

Starting your summer job and internship applications over winter break probably would have been a smart move; but even if you still have no idea what you want to do with your summer, you still have plenty of time to find that dream job or internship. Rather than waiting until the last possible moment to search for prospective opportunities and fill out applications and ask for letters of recommendation, why not use that next free moment you have to get started? You can thank me later.

  1. Stressing Yourself Out With Negativity

If a class you really wanted to take was closed before you could register or you’re annoyed with the way your schedule turned out, the worst way you can react is with a negative attitude. Yes, you’re frustrated. And frustration leads to aggression. However, rather than stress yourself out with thoughts about how “awful” this semester is going to be, think about ways you’re going to make this semester academically just as good as or better than the last and focus on enjoying that glorious part of the semester before exams begin and papers are assigned. Remind yourself that you’re awesome and that you got that this because, in the end, the stress isn’t worth it and can really take a toll on your wellbeing.  


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum