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100 things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

As Thanksgiving approaches, the big question of “what are we thankful for?” becomes more and more emphasized. Although, a week before the break with 4 midterms and a low GPA standing between me and a delicious turkey meal, I’ve found it extremely hard to find an answer to that question. However, after brainstorming 100 things, I’ve realized that I am very thankful for many things apart from the usual friends and family. So, if you’re having an especially hard study day and can’t seem to find anything to be thankful for, here are 100 things just for you…


  1. My bed

  2. Scented candles

  3. That I don’t go to BU

  4. My dog

  5. Movies.bc.edu

  6. Hillside’s Turkey and Brie sandwiches

  7. Childhood friends

  8. Seasons

  9. Tea

  10. College Best friends

  11. Spotify premium

  12. Books that make you want to start reading again

  13. Road-trips

  14. Free delivery

  15. Farmer’s Markets

  16. Game of Thrones

  17. Christmas decorations

  18. Music concerts

  19. Fuzzy socks

  20. Hot chocolate

  21. The smell after it rains

  22. Cashmere scarves

  23. Friends that show up even if you didn’t tell them to come

  24. Target

  25. Eagle’s potato chips

  26. Christmas lights

  27. Netflix

  28. Chegg

  29. Elevators

  30. Professor’s dogs on campus

  31. Bubble baths

  32. An empty sink

  33. Birthday cake

  34. Free samples

  35. Uber Pool

  36. Middle school photos

  37. Iced coffee

  38. Free wi-fi

  39. Free shipping

  40. Clearance

  41. Dance parties

  42. Lower’s steak and cheeses

  43. Chapstick

  44. The beach

  45. Nature

  46. Weekends

  47. Student discounts

  48. White mountain’s cookie monster

  49. Spell-check

  50. Recorded lectures

  51. Hot showers

  52. The person that always has gum

  53. Classes that don’t take attendance

  54. Succulents

  55. Free stickers

  56. People that hold open doors

  57. People that hold elevators

  58. Family

  59. Care packages

  60. iCloud

  61. Waterproof phones

  62. Sweats

  63. Football season

  64. Airdrop

  65. Pianos

  66. Professors that drop the 3 lowest quiz grades

  67. Grandmas

  68. A clean room

  69. Fresh sheets

  70. Matching socks

  71. Finding money in pant’s pockets

  72. Leftovers

  73. All 7 Harry Potter books

  74. Roommates that cook food for you

  75. Bus drivers that wait for you

  76. Snapchat filters

  77. Parents trying to use emojis

  78. Family traditions

  79. BC babies

  80. 7 for $27 at Victoria Secret

  81. RomComs

  82. Dryers that actually dry clothing

  83. Corgi butts

  84. Sleeping in

  85. NyQuil

  86. Unlined bras

  87. FaceTime

  88. Snow days

  89. Chicken noodle soup

  90. Deodorant

  91. Dry shampoo

  92. Wine

  93. Online shopping

  94. Freshly mowed grass

  95. Colorful sunsets

  96. Tide pods

  97. Venmo

  98. Good hair days

  99. Weddings

  100. Boston College


Happy Thanksgiving!






Vanessa is a senior at Boston College studying Economics and Communications. She is proud to be the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus at Boston College!