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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Baylor chapter.

     You belong in the kitchen. Bossy. Aggressive. Hormonal. Don’t be a slut. Why are you wearing that? Why are you being so emotional? Maybe you should calm down. Is it that time of the month? How much did you drink? Whore. You’re fat. Eat a Sandwich. Women aren’t funny. No man will want you. She’s crazy. B*tch. Nasty Woman.

     You have heard it all before. You have been talked down to. Belittled. Pushed away. Told you don’t belong. Every day, you face sexism. I bet you can remember the first time you were sexualized. I bet you can remember the first sexist words spoken through gritted teeth and angry eyes. I bet you can remember every word after that. Every explosive word. Every hurtful word. 


     Yet, you prevail. You stand straight-backed and smiling. You wither those harsh words. You push on. You fight the feminist fight. That is why you are here, why you are reading this. Your strength is not a secret. Your power is not hidden. Use it. Embody that power. You are a woman. 

     March is Women’s History Month. It is a month to celebrate the feminine win, but it is also a time to recognize the ever-prevalent issues we still have. We live in a society deeply rooted in sexism and patriarchy. We have the right to vote. We have the right to serve politically. We have the right to go to work. But we are still underrepresented in Congress, less than half. But we are still underpaid- one man’s dollar is our 82 cents. But we still fear assault and sexualization as we walk along the street. 

     We are currently seeing a second wave of feminism engulfing the world. Women everywhere are fighting fiercely for their reproductive and relationship rights. And it is working. Kamala Harris is the first female vice president. Scotland granted free menstrual products to all. Sex work is being celebrated rather than sneered at. Many countries have moved to equal pay among female and male athletes. Two women received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, a male dominated field. Revenge porn is being outlawed across the United States. 

     With so many wonderfully strong women to look up to and international wins coming about, it is no surprise that big things are happening across Waco as well. Two women led Baylor in fighting for Gamma Alpha Upsilon to have a rightful place on campus through their powerful student senate bill and important conversations across Waco. Women have created and are heading-up clubs, like Her Campus Baylor, all over campus. Women, like myself a Pre-Medical student, have fought tooth and nail for their career in male-dominated fields, having to raise their voice to be heard.  Women are leading Waco in some of the most popular businesses, like Fabled. Women everywhere are doing big things. 


     In a world built to bully, belittle, and bring down women- we stay strong. We have taken back so much stolen power. We have built our own empire from the ground up. We have taken to each other as cheerleaders and support systems. And we will continue to. In the month of March, and every month after that, I encourage you to live in your feminine divinity. You are a woman. You are powerful.

Jacobi Reynolds is a photographer and senior Pre-medical Biology student at Baylor University. She is from Henrietta, Texas, just south of the Oklahoma and Texas border. When she is not studying or taking photos, she enjoys exploring new places, painting, and spending time with friends and family. Her favorite things are the color pink, dogs, pizza and going to the movies.