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5 Reasons Why ‘Basic’ Isn’t the End of the World

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Baylor chapter.

Okay, look we’ve all been there. Whether it is a mild Taylor Swift addiction, a passion for the coziness of a pair of Uggs, or even the warmth of a pumpkin spice latte. At one point in our lives, we have liked something that would categorize us as “basic”.  The concept of ‘being basic’ was coined, according to the urban dictionary, around 2014. It was mainly a slang term used that described women who liked mainstream things and trends. This foolish label is now embedded so deeply and negatively in our society that once someone labels us as basic we can’t help but feel ashamed and deny it upright. As it tries to take away from our individuality and boxes us in a category that is also popularly known as a synonym for a bimbo, boring, predictable, and stupid. Hence, multiple women try to indulge in these “basic” things quietly and secretly or stir away from them completely to run away from the label. Here are the reasons as to why I believe that we shouldn’t feel ashamed of wearing the “scarlet letter” that is BASIC.  

1. Labels are Silly 

Being labeled is something that we will never be able to escape. It’s like there is a deep-rooted unsaid rule that everyone has to fit in a certain category. When it comes to the term “basic” it usually makes people relate it with a girl who is a follower and simply dumb. However, I am here to tell you that, shockingly, no research shows a significant correlation between a person liking Taylor swift and having a low IQ. Surprisingly, to all of us, these labels are just that. Labels. Most of the time they have no truth behind them and are only there to make fun of someone else. Poking stupidly at a minor pleasure you have in life in an attempt to diminish your persona overall. 

2. We’re all a little Basic

I mean come on, basic is human. Most things that are now considered as “basic” are mainstream. And guess what?  they are mainstream FOR A REASON. How can one not be obsessed with a great movie like The Notebook or want to go daily to Starbucks? Most “basic” things are highly enjoyable and comforting as well as at the reach of our fingertips because of their popularity. We are all basic. It’s just a matter of who owns up to it. Liking popular things is okay. That’s why they are popular, to begin with. Why fake we don’t enjoy these things? Who are we trying to fool? 

3. You’re still you 

Now some might argue that liking mainstream things take away from our individuality and create this default personality that we all would end up sharing. However, this is far from the truth. Because at the end of the day enjoying the same things as our friends or the media simply does not take away who you are as a person, your taste, your dislikes, your experiences, your background, or your qualities. 

4. It’s Science

Liking what everyone else likes only links us to our instinctual desire to “belong” and be able to relate with the people around us. This can be clearly seen in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as belongingness and love are third on the pyramid. Our desire to be included in a group and be able to identify with them is human. Wanting to jump on the bandwagon on “basic” things that everyone is enjoying is human. 

5. They’ll judge you anyway

Sadly, in this day and age, people judge. They judge hard, without reason, and heartlessly. It’s inevitable. Everything you’ll do will never be enough or will be too much anyways. From that’s too boring to that’s too flashy. You’re too loud or you’re too quiet. Not enough of this or too much of that. 

We will never be able to reach that imaginary perfection. So, at this point why not like what we like? It will look wrong in society’s hawk-like eyes anyways. So, who cares? 

Once again, never let the word basic scare you, as it does not have any meaning behind it. It’s just a silly word used by silly people who, for some reason, feel superior for liking different things than you do. If you like something, do it. If you want to buy that shirt that everyone has because you love it, get it. At the end of the day, the only person you should want to please and make happy is yourself. So don’t be scared. Be Basic.

Andrea Leal

Baylor '24

Andrea Leal is a Senior majoring in Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation and International Business at Baylor University. She is proudly from Mission, Texas which is part of the Rio Grande Valley(a border town). Her current obsessions consist of classic lit, the strokes, ziplining/hikes and meeting knew people.