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Five Signs of Short Term

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bates chapter.
Welcome back Bobcats!
Short term is finally upon us in all its glory. Relatively warm weather, not too much academic pressure and plenty of time to hang out with buddies. Here are five signs that indicate the arrival of short term. 
1. Hammocks and sunglasses are out.
Sun is up and warm weather, it’s the perfect time for taking a nap on a hammock. Oh, don’t forget your sunglasses! 
2. Empty library.
It’s so empty that nobody cares even though you dance around the library. 
3. You can listen to beats and music everywhere.
You can jam anytime anywhere. 
4. You can’t watch your Netflix due to multiple active screens. 
If you are sharing Netflix account with someone on campus, then you are more likely to run into more than two people who use your account. 
Hope you all have a great Short Term!