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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bates chapter.

Hey guys! Second semester is in full swing, but this doesn’t mean that it’s too late to vamp up your dorm room. Here are some quick tips and tricks to brighten up your winter blues!

1. Use the hand dryer as a nail dryer for those quick polish days.
2. Skip the lotion, lip balm, face cream and hair mask; instead opt for some organic coconut oil.
3. Winter shower? Crank up the heat before you leave, to enter a warm and cozy room.
4. Bed risers = more under the bed storage.
5. Christmas lights = cozy and relax vibe, skip the standard dorm light.
6. Build your own back board, a quick trip to Home Depot.
7. Binder clips are a game changer: hold up the trash bag, as a coiler for electronic words, etc…
8. Jewelry hangers.
9. Steal food from commons for face scrubs and masks.
10. Leave hats in accessible place for easy fixes to bad hair days.
11. Leave your key in a friend’s room to avoid locked out situations.
12. Pick up a lamp at Goodwill or an antique shop for some fun decor, ps. don’t forget to name it.
His name is Gabriel.
Catie Spaulding is a 2019 Bates College graduate. In her free time, she enjoys singing the wrong lyrics to almost every song imaginable, contemplating big and small life questions with anyone around her, and debating what flavor ice cream to pick up on the next grocery run.
Elizah Laurenceau is a senior at Bates College. Her hobbies consist of rewatching Call Me By Your Name, using Huji to take pictures, and playing with her dog. She spends her days either glued on her computer or late nights finishing up work.