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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Babson chapter.

I don’t know what I’m doing with my life, and that’s ok.

At Babson College, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the ever-present pressure to try and prove ourselves as more than just students. All conversations, inside and outside business scenarios, include questions about jobs, internships, campus involvement, personal projects, summer plans, and academics. Sometimes it can feel like a competition. Everyone is trying their best to be their best, but constantly comparing ourselves can make us feel like we are not enough; we are not doing enough, not smart enough, not successful enough. This competition that seems to be embedded in the culture of Babson is good, it makes us strive for more and work hard, but it can also be hard to manage and balance in our personal and professional lives.

We must remember that we can each redefine success in order to have it fit our dreams and goals and desires, and that there is no single path towards reaching it. All you can do is move forward, and be yourself while you do so.

As a student, there have been many instances in which I have felt like I am not enough, but I know this to be untrue. As the semester comes to an end, and my first year at Babson as well, I have had (or rather made) time to reflect on my experience so far. I have acknowledged all the growth, learning, independence, and skill development that I have achieved so far. However, I do notice that I recently compare myself to others much more than ever before. I started feeling like I’ve been running in a race that I knew I’d never win. After a couple of moments of reflection, and honestly a couple of breakdowns in the library at 2 in the morning, I realized that I should stop trying to be like others.

Maybe I do not have the experience, expertise, network, or grades of my peers. Maybe I am not as involved as others. That’s ok. Maybe you can relate, or perhaps you feel that you are too involved, doing too much, and have too much on your plate.

Either way, it’s about finding your own path- not about trying to imitate other people. If you feel you are doing too much or too little, work with yourself to find the place where you want to be. When I focus on my goals and my own growth, without comparing myself to others, I have much more to value. I have experience, expertise, a network, and grades of my own. I am following my own path, making my own story at my own time.

We must remember that we can each redefine success in order to have it fit our dreams and goals and desires, and that there is no single path towards reaching it. All you can do is move forward, and be yourself while you do so.