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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

Many good things, like Blue Spruce, Brittney Spears and Bangs go dormant for a few years until a major comeback. If your childhood was anything like mine, bangs were a LOOK in 2nd grade. For the next 15 years or so, bangs were underrepresented among most young women and overrepresented among moms (not a bad thing, I love my mom). Well, now that it’s 2019 and most of us crave the sweet nostalgia of our youth, bangs are back. Since most beauty has to do with bringing balance to a face shape, bangs can suit anybody if they are styled a certain way.

Here is a list of types of bangs, and how they change facial balance:

  • Straight Across Bangs 
    • ​Straight across bangs can suit many face shapes. They key is what sort of style goes with each face shape. In general, wispy bangs complement softer face structures and full bangs complement more angular face structures. Since straight across bangs will widen any face, they look great with oblong and oval faces.


  • Cheekbone Bangs
    • Cheekbone bangs are the most versatile. As they end at the cheekbones, they add more width to the middle of the face. No matter the face shape, cheekbone width is flattering.


  • Short Bangs
    • For short bangs, or baby bangs, the key is thinking about the vertical proportions of the face. Short bangs tend to elongate the bottom half of the face. So girls that have a shorter bottom half will look great with short, baby bangs. 


  • Side-Swept Bangs
    • Side-swept bangs are neutral and do not tend to change the face proportions. Any face shape will be softened by side-swept bangs. 


  • Curly Bangs
    • Curly hair creates volume around the sides of a face. Curly bangs are great for emphasizing cheekbones and adding volume. 


Augustana Contributor