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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

In the tranquil moments between twilight and the break of day, they find themselves drawn to the window, their gaze fixated on the endless expanse of the night sky. The stars twinkle like distant lanterns, each one a reminder of the journey they’ve embarked upon within themselves.

As they stand there, enveloped in the silence of the night, they see not just stars, but constellations — clusters of memories, emotions, and experiences intricately woven together. Each constellation tells a story, a reflection of the myriad moments that have shaped their existence.

They trace the lines between the stars, following the intricate patterns of their thoughts as they meander through the vastness of their mind. There are moments of clarity, where everything falls into place like pieces of a puzzle, and moments of confusion, where the path ahead seems obscured by shadows.

But amidst the uncertainty, there is beauty. Each constellation represents a chapter in their life — moments of triumph, moments of struggle, moments of love and loss. They are a testament to their resilience, their courage, their capacity for growth.

In the stillness of self-reflection, they find strength. They find peace. And as they turn away from the window, returning to the world below, they carry with them the knowledge that they are a constellation — a unique and ever-changing tapestry of experiences, illuminated by the light of their own inner wisdom.

Cami Flores

Augustana '25

I am such a simple person. everyday I wake up, think "no thanks" and then go right back to sleep.