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Simple Ways To Ease Boredom

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

Falling into a funk is common, and quite frankly, expected in everyday life. Whether you’re in school, on break, or working, life isn’t always fast-paced and exciting. Life can seem monotonous and lose its touch quickly, so it’s important to spice it up often. While there are millions of ways to ease the boredom, here are a couple of easy tips almost anyone can incorporate into their everyday lives. 

1. Learn a new word

Sometimes, life can seem repetative because we are having the same conversations over and over again. We tend to use the same words, in the same order, and this in turn creates reactions and conversations that are identical to one another. Learning a new word not only encourages you to expand your vocabulary, but it can add more dimension to your conversations. The new word you learn doesn’t have to sound “smart” or be big; utilize your creative freedom! 

2. Change up a part of your routine

Similar to how we tend to use the same words over and over, people tend to stick to the same routine. Routine is comforting and familiar, so it’s no wonder we fall into patterns. These patterns start to bore us, however, so it is important to change up a part of your routine every once in a while to keep you on your toes. If you walk a certain way to class, take another route! If you usually eat the same foods everyday, try a new dish! The changes you make in your routine do not have to be drastic; these changes can be small, but significant enough to make your life seem less dull. 

3. Pick up a new hobby

While picking up a new hobby may sound like it requires a lot of energy, your efforts could introduce you to a hobby you did not even know you loved. The beauty in trying out various hobbies is the simple fact that you do not have to commit to them! Hobbies are not limited to sports or forms of art; you can interest yourself in gardening, cooking, or even playing board games. Introducing yourself to something new comes with the thrill of learning or practicing said hobby.

Although there are numerous ways to make life less boring, these tips are perhaps the most practical in everyday life. Making life interesting and doing something wild aren’t mutually exclusive, so do not feel pressured to go way outside of your comfort zone in order to make life less dull!





An English and Communications Major who is passionate about creating and reading literature.
Augustana Contributor