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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

My To Do list. Always growing. Always nagging. Like the constant pitter patter of rain on the window or the incessant drip, drip, drip of water from the gutter. One drop falls away only to be replaced by another eager splash. 

I press submit on that long dreaded essay and I feel an immediate wash of relief. The momentum continues and I fold the pile of clothes that had been taunting me from my floor for a week. Then I gleefully grab my favorite blue highlighter and cross out two lines in my planner. Done. 

My satisfaction and happiness cascade as the ocean of blue builds. But as soon as my brain begins to get tipsy from the growing blue lines the reality pulls me under. The rain does not stop. 

Two more “to dos” fall from the sky, landing in my eyes as I look up towards menacing clouds.

The ocean of relief seeps away and I am left with a To Do list that stretches out for miles like a meandering river. No matter how hard I try to paddle upstream the current is too strong and I am swept back to the start. I grow weak from the constant exertion. My trusty blue highlighter crosses out one pesky task only to be joined by another. Up the river down the river. Up. Down. Up. Down. 

Drained and wrung out my eyes travel to the horizon where the struggle is finally interrupted by the setting sun. The sun reflects comforting warm hues on the water and the realization settles on me like gentle dew. I can let the current take me. I have collected enough rain drops. 

So with a contented sigh I finally relax and let the day slip away, swallowed by the horizon. The gentle current sweeps me toward the escape of sleep. 

Cora Deemer

Augustana '27

Cora Deemer is a freshman at Augustana College who is majoring in Multimedia Journalism and Graphic Design. In her free time she loves to hike/backpack, read, take/edit photos, and make watercolor and gouache paintings. Cora also stays busy with being a sprinter on the track team at Augie!