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Kayla Bacon-Carefree Fall 2
Kayla Bacon-Carefree Fall 2
Kayla Bacon / Her Campus
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.



Right at the heart of town,

the circus had gathered all.

It had dancers, clowns, magicians, and more.

All capturing the eyes and hearts

of young schoolchildren. I was twelve.


I dreamt of being whisked away

to a life of glamour, smiles, freedom, and play.

The older children were all in a row

for the ringmaster to size them up.

The possibilities were endless for all of the

grown-up kids. I was twelve. 


We would travel by caravan, town to town.

People are gathering, shouting our names out.

It is a performance no one will ever forget.

The glitz and glam is a new sight to see. 

I would dance the night away, filled with joy,

for all to see. I was twelve.


“Ina!” my mother shouted. “Come here!”

I sighed, turning away from the ruckus ahead,

and instead went to do the job I had.

A dancer walked past me, covered in jewels aplenty.

She gave me a smile and a wave

before walking into her tent. I was twelve. 



Quinn Fabish

Augustana '23

Quinn is a sophomore at Augustana College. Her major is History on the Pre-Law track, and her minors are Art and German.
Augustana Contributor