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Finals/Finals Prep As Told By Tina Belcher

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

Finals week is rough, but the weeks leading up to it can be worse due to the looming work to be done, lack of sleep, and regret of procrastination. Tina Belcher has some great lines in Bob’s Burgers, but there’s one line that she repeats throughout the show that really speaks to me Weeks 8-Finals. This is her “everything’s fine” face, and it’s totally relatable.

1. Having to do homework on top of having 4 papers, 3 tests, and 4 presentations…

2. When you don’t finish that homework and still have 4 papers, 3 tests, and 4 presentations…

3. You finally get to the homework only to realize that it’s going to take longer than 30 minutes before class that you gave yourself…

4. When you’re assigned an outline and annotated bibliography for each of your papers…

5. When you could study, but Netflix is calling your name…

6. And lastly, and most painful, when you finally give in to Netflix only to find out Bob’s Burgers was taken off…

Although, there’s also that great feeling when you accomplish everything and summer break begins…



Michele is a junior at Augustana College majoring in both English and Creative Writing with a minor in Religion. She is involved in SAGA: Augustana's art and literary magazine, and is a member of Augustana's local social sorority Zeta Phi Kappa. She contributes to Her Campus as a writer.
Augustana Contributor