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What Would Chris Davis Do?: A Guide to Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

After the phenomenal win at Saturday’s Iron Bowl, it seems completely unfathomable that we Auburn-goers have to go on studying for classes and prepare for finals as if an epic life changing event didn’t just happen to the entire student body. But, while it’s tempting to spend time meant for studying rolling around in the toilet paper sea still covering Toomer’s Corner, or crafting a perfectly written letter to President Gogue pleading for him to pull a Dumbledore and cancel finals completely, it really is important to focusing on school for these last two weeks of the semester.  Don’t worry, though, you can still keep your Iron Bowl glow by channeling the energy of the final miracle play into your study grind, and here’s how:

Think Ahead:

Do you think Chris Davis placed himself in the end zone to possibly receive Bama’s last second (literally) field goal kick on a whim? Hell no! He thought ahead and planned for possible outcomes, and you need to take this approach when beginning to study for finals.  Make a schedule and plan out study time segments so that you don’t end up in a frenzy the night before your exam.  Try making flashcards at least a week in advance, as well as breaking up any reading you need to do in manageable chunks. Thinking ahead will only lead to impressive results – just ask the defensive coordinators.

Just Keeping Going:

After catching Bama’s attempted field goal kick Chris Davis ran his little heart out for 109 yards, and if he can do that you can push through and pull that all-nighter!  While it’s not ever recommended to deprive you of sleep, sometimes those extra hours are necessary to get the studying done.  No matter how tired you are you just need to drink that cup of coffee and keep flipping those flashcards – just like Chris Davis just kept running down the sideline after playing a full four quarters against the nation’s number one team. You got this.

Celebrate Like A Champion:

Hard work deserves to celebrated, and just like Auburn’s win, reaching your study goals and making it through finals will definitely be a product of hard work.  While fireworks may not go off every time you finish reading a chapter in your textbook and your friends may not carry you out of the classroom on their shoulders, feel free to celebrate as if you were Chris Davis crossing into the end zone for a winning touchdown!  Give yourself motivation by setting rewards for reaching certain study goals.  After completing that history study guide, watch an episode of “Gossip Girl”.   Finish that research paper and eat that left over pumpkin pie you’ve been eyeing.  And be sure to treat yourself after every completed exam – with Starbucks, a new necklace, a nap, or a glass of wine the size of your face, whatever feels the most rewarding to you! An even better idea, treat yourself to this pure bliss for every milestone you reach.




Junior Creative Writing Major at Auburn University