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Watch What You Say To Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

“Sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt me.”

This quote has been around for longer than I can remember. It’s a nice theory, to think that certain words or remarks we’d rather not hear could just roll off our shoulders, but how often does that really happen? Even at a young age, the words we hear every day can make or break our spirit. It’s natural. You receive a compliment from a friend or loved one, and your mood is changed. Hearing someone say, “you look nice today” or “good job” instantly makes you feel more confident and capable. The same happens when we are insulted. A negative comment can turn a good day to a bad one. It’s easy to see the effects of these words when we are hearing them from others, but what about words we say to ourselves?

Many mornings I can wake up on the wrong side of the bed and start my morning off degrading myself on my appearance, ability or personality. In a ball-and-chain effect, my day usually doesn’t run too well. One small thing can go wrong and I instantly blame myself. One occurrence can feel like your world is tumbling down right in front of you. But whenever I wake up with a positive attitude, my day tends to run much smoother. If I am in the right mindset, then certain problems don’t seem so detrimental and are much more manageable.

Especially as girls, it’s easy to compare and fantasize of how we should look or how our life should be. We often get discouraged because we don’t match up to our own expectations and begin to develop a negative mindset. When we choose to overcome this and speak life over ourselves, it creates a much more positive outcome.

Recently, a friend told me about her daily routine she carries out every morning. In it she included, “speaking praise over myself.” Wait… What does that mean? She told me the importance of choosing to start the day hearing aloud positive compliments and words of affirmation. While it sounds strange to start your day talking to yourself… do it. After she told me this I began to write little notes to myself that I’d repeat aloud. Why was this helpful? The first time I began to think negatively or hear a remark that discouraged me, I was reminded of the positive statements I had already spoken over myself. These are some of the statements I chose to speak:

“I can do anything I set my mind to.”

“I have so much worth and value.”

“I have strength for whatever I’ll face today.”

“I am not to be compared.”

“Today is going to be a great day.”

“I am confident in my imperfections.”

“I am beautiful on the outside and flawless within.”

Today, choose to speak these words over yourself. And if you ever need encouragement on how to encourage yourself more please watch this adorable little motivator.

{Fearfully & wonderfully made} I like to write about life and Jesus. Coffee Addict. Fitness and travel junkie. Church of the Highlands-Auburn.