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Sincerely, a “Gamer Girl”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Dear gamer guys,

For some reason, it still shocks you that girls enjoy video games.

You just can’t wrap your mind around the fact that girls too can get into the Xbox vs. PlayStation debate, and that we may even know what we’re talking about. The truth is, some of us do, and we’re serious about it. Sometimes. And sometimes we aren’t.  Some of us are really serious about our high scores and achievements, and some of us only pick up a controller as a way of procrastinating homework assignments. If nothing else, the most important thing you should know about a “girl gamer” is that we’re all different.

You know why most people don’t think of a stereotype when a guy says he likes video games? Because it doesn’t make sense. Some of you play Xbox, some play PlayStation. Some of you get into it, some of you just casually game as a pastime or as a way of procrastinating.

You’ll find gamer guys in all social groups, from the nerds to the frat guys, but people immediately stereotype “girl gamers” one of two ways. One is the girl that just sits on Call of Duty to look cute and impress a crush or two, and the other is the way-too-into-it freak. You know, the girl that screams at the screen or gets scarily in your face when she wins. But, just like the guys, some of us just play casually, or barely play at all. We don’t play to impress anyone or to seem like something we’re not. We play because we enjoy it. And until you get scoffed at for gaming because you’re “just a girl,” you will have no idea how aggravating it is. So, for every female out there, please stop judging us off of what you think you know about our interests, and try actually inviting us into your teams.

And if you still think gamer girls are a joke, match up against us, unless you’re scared.


a “Gamer Girl”

I'm a chemical engineering major with an intense passion for chemistry puns. I believe words hold more power than people give them credit and should always be used wisely.