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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

More than ever, relationship violence has played a prominent role in college news. “Be Careful” is no longer something that your parents say at the end of a phone call out of habit. “Be Careful” is said out of actual concern for their daughters living on college campuses.

In May of 2010, Baltimore native Yeardley Love was murdered by her ex-boyfriend George Huguely in an off campus apartment. Both were lacrosse players from Maryland at the University of Virginia, they were in the public eye and well known. After briefly dating, Love began receiving threatening texts and emails from her ex but thought no actions would ever come from them. But on the morning of May 3rd, Love was found unconscious in her apartment as the result of Huguely repeatedly shaking and slamming her head against the wall.

As a female college student you don’t want to believe that you could ever feel unsafe or threatened in a place that you consider to be your home. Most women ignore threats from boyfriends or past hookups forgetting that at one point in time that person knew you and they actually do know where you live. Playing off these threats as being those of a jealous ex is no longer acceptable in today’s society. It seems that every other news reporting about a college is because of an assault, rape or beating of some young woman and it can no longer be ignored.

I am from Baltimore, and Yeardley Love’s murder and the trial of George Huguely opened me up to the reality of relationship abuse and how it is more prominent than ever. Through the past four years, Love’s mother and sister have developed the One Love Foundation to bring awareness to relationship abuse and encourage young women to take the step forward to protect themselves from becoming a victim. Beginning in Baltimore, the Love family has spread their word through fundraisers, sponsoring of lacrosse games, and the development of an app One Love. The app is a way for women to answer a series of questions that inform them what is considered to be “unsafe” and give them ways to move forward with a plan. 


With years of weariness passed, the Love family has succeeded in passing a bill to have May 3rd declared National One Love Day to always remember their daughter and inform others of the reality of relationship abuse. Between the app, national awareness day and the efforts that have been taken to encourage women to stand up and protect themselves, it is hoped that no family will ever have to deal with the loss of a child because she ignored the signs.

I encourage you to download the One Love app and take the assessment if you are unsure of your relationship.  No one should be treated poorly and there are things that you can do to prevent it.



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Pic 2 – One Love app

Pic 3 – One Love app