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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

With the new semester getting back into the swing of things, collegiettes tend to find themselves yearning for an excuse to avoid anything pertaining to classes. And  with the endless amount of guys that pursue us, it’s always nice to take a break from all of the boy troubles and relax with the best of the best–loyal girl friends!

However, I know many a girl’s night that I have participated in has turned into a group Netflix binge without the social interaction so essential to girl time. There are many ways to spice up the oh-so-important ritual of girl time, and break the routine of pizza, drinks, and back to back movie marathons.

Put away the phones. We all know how important it is to stay connected to every person you’ve ever come in contact with, but having your phone out during girl time can really decrease the quality of face-to-face interaction. That being said, tweeting back and forth to each other while in each other’s company is undoubtedly one of the hallmarks of a girl’s night- just make sure not to abuse your phone priveleges.

Pamper Yourself. To truly have a girl’s night in, you must pamper yourselves. Girl time is all about stepping out of the ordinary groove of college and spending quality time with the lovely ladies in your life. So go to the store and buy a bunch of relaxing-smelling lotions and candles, some nail polish, and your favorite food and drinks, and get cracking! In other words…

Break out the Games. Playing games is definitely a fantastic way to bond with your girlfriends. I know it sounds childish, but truth or dare is always a good way to get to know your girlfriends better, and can lead to some pretty crazy memories if you play it correctly! And it undoubtedly always leads to girl talk. Girl talk is one of the best parts about a night with your friends, and if you haven’t seen them in a while, it can be great to catch up by talking about anything and everything!

And if all else fails, pop in a great movie, lay out a couple of blankets and bowls of popcorn, and enjoy the sweet company of some of the most important people in your life.

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Meghan is a senior at Auburn majoring in microbiology and minoring in journalism. She has been a contributing writer for Her Campus since her freshman year of college, and she absolutely loves it! Her life is made up of alternating periods of stress and relaxation, but full of joy. She loves octopi, Dr. Pepper and strong jawlines.