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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

We’ve hit that weird part of the semester where we’re almost done, but there’s still enough left that we want to cry. Sound familiar? About this point in my semester, I’m definitely more on the crying side, and that’s okay. As college students, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the small details that go wrong. The assignments and study hours piling up is overwhelming, but there are a few things to remember to keep yourself focused.

1. It’s okay to get it wrong.

Mistakes happen, and college is all about adaptation. If you keep making the same mistake on a problem, work it a different way. If a concept isn’t clicking, try finding a different way of presenting it to yourself. Be gentle with yourself if you still don’t get it. Sometimes you just have to move onto the next problem. 


2. Please, please take a break.

You can only efficiently focus for so long. Taking study breaks helps refresh your focus and keeps you from getting frustrated enough to quit. Be sure to be responsible with your break though; too long of a break will kill your motivation. 


3. Set goals.

Break up what you need to get done into manageable tasks. Nothing is more stressful than a huge list of stuff to do that never seems to get any smaller. Prioritize each task, start with the highest priority, and don’t try to take on more than you can handle. Once things start getting done, and you can begin to see a difference, keeping the streak going will be easier.


Staying organized and knowing how to manage stress are key factors in managing a tough semester. With enough perseverance, we all can make it through.

I'm a chemical engineering major with an intense passion for chemistry puns. I believe words hold more power than people give them credit and should always be used wisely.