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Auburn Women Demand Equal Pay

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

It’s no news that there’s a gender wage gap, as it has become fairly prevalent with the women’s soccer team sueing the American Soccer Association, and I could go on forever with examples of this touchy subject. Simply put, men are paid more than women, and we need to stand up for what is right. This month, the Auburn Women’s Conference has been raising awareness by first informing students on the concourse about pink tax. Next up, they will be partnering with the Advocacy Council to raise awareness about the gender wage gap that is not only in our society, but happens thoughout the world. 

They will be putting together their first annual Equal Pay Day event this Tuesday, April 12th on the Haley Concourse from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. In order to raise awareness, they will be sharing information and selling cookies, charging 75 cents for women & $1 for men. All profits will be donated to a charity that supports women’s rights and equal pay. This year’s ambassadors are Katie Brown, Catherine Tran, Evvie Walker, Haley Dorn, Anna Busby & Sung Mo (President).

I'm an involved Sophomore at Auburn University with a passion for writing.  I've grown up as a Navy Brat which has placed structure into my life.  I enjoy helping others in my free time as it brings joy to my heart.  I believe in Auburn and love it.