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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Many have taken to the internet to complain about the essential quarantine that has engulfed the nation. Grievances of boredom, detachment, and confinement have all plagued our timelines. While these are valid feelings, I’m here to shed some light on self-isolation and the act of quarantining itself. Many will take these benefits for granted, as opposed to recognizing the beauty of this break. Below are five positive aspects of quarantining that may change your outlook on the current situation!

Self-Care Prioritization:

No makeup, everyday? Your skin is quaking– in the best way possible. Most people include makeup application in their everyday lives. Whether it be for work, a party or even a date, makeup is clearly no longer an essential. Instead, we can have 4 masks on, all whilst completing an assignment, or even working remotely. Sweatpants, facemasks, and no makeup days are my ideal business attire.

Quality Time Spent with Family:

Whether it be in person (six feet apart of course) or virtually – quality time with your people is important. Getting caught up in a fast-paced, constantly busy lifestyle tends to decrease family time by a lot. Quarantine changes this! Making sure to check up on the people that you love and really taking the time to listen – is important. Make sure to teach grandma how to work Zoom, you won’t regret it!


This is truly the routine you never knew you needed. With a preoccupied lifestyle, comes a preoccupied mind. Most aren’t able to fit in 10 minutes to meditate during their everyday routines. Meditation is now not only attainable, but a necessity. The health of the psyche is important for the entire health of your being. Make sure to focus on eliminating fear and anxiety in these tough times. In the wise words of that cute doctor on YouTube, it is important to stay alert, not anxious. 

A Newfound Optimism

 In these challenging times, with constant headlines that exude fear, it’s crucial to remember the importance of mindset. In order to get through the day, and not have multiple breakdowns, optimism must shine through. In addition to meditation, consistent mindset changes can be crucial in getting through the days. Remember to remind yourself of all of the positives in your life and to count your blessings!

Hygiene Habits:

Obviously mental health is not the only thing of importance, as physical health is alongside it! These hygiene habits recommended by the CDC will most likely find their way into our daily lives. Everyone will be  inclined to wash their hands more frequently, and correctly. Sanitation may also become a larger priority, and overall, one’s well-being will be better maintained. Don’t forget to sing Happy Birthday twice while cleaning those hands!

If you can’t reflect on the personal benefits that are emerging from this quarantine, then reflect on the public ones! The environment is getting a break. NASA reported that since the beginning of 2020,  pollution levels have seen a substantial decrease (NASA, 2020). You can check out the informative article here:


That is just one of the many bright sides of staying inside. As this pandemic continues to make its way through the nation, remember not only the importance of quarantining, but the benefits as well. Your actions have an impact on the world, so make them count!

Madison Andrade is a senior studying Political Science at Arizona State University. Her favorite pastimes are reading, playing piano and rough-housing with her Great Dane puppies! She aspires to make a positive change in one person's life, every day. If you have any questions for Madison, feel free to email her at: maandra3@asu.edu.