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Make Living on Campus Your Freshman Year a Success!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Graduating from high school and moving on to college is one of the best things to ever happen in our young lives. However, graduating high school comes with a boat load of changes and responsibilities, one of those being living on your own. And let me tell you, sometimes it ain’t easy. Take these tips from me, a veteran dorm-liver, to make your freshman year a little easier!

1. Living with friends isn’t the best idea

Living with someone you’ve known for a long time just seems like the right thing to do; you know their quirks, what they like to eat, how they sleep, etc… But eventually some of the things they do might start to bother you. I know girls who were best friends throughout high school and at the end of their freshman year they were each other’s worst enemies. College is also about making new acquaintances, so it doesn’t hurt to live with a complete stranger. You never know, you might even meet one of your life long best friends! I know I did!

Photo courtesy of Flickr user Mixxula

2. Communication is key!

Don’t be afraid to communicate with your roommate and set some ground rules for both of you. Make compromises and always check and see if something is alright with your roommate, even if it’s something miniscule like bringing a friend over to your room to hang out. Keep common areas, like the bathroom, clean for both of your sakes. And take turns taking out the garbage or buying the shampoo. It’s little agreements like this that makes living with someone else super easy!

Photo courtesy of Flickr user hectorir

3. Make friends with the people on your floor

A lot of residence halls group their floors by major, so there’s bound to be at least one person on your floor who’s in one of your classes. These people come in handy when you’re in a crunch, like when you need someone to edit your English paper or if you need a study partner. One of the most vital things that college will teach you is the importance of networking and the best way to start is on your floor. Maybe the girl across the hall has an uncle who can get you a stellar opportunity doing something that you’ve always wanted to do! You never know what you can accomplish through a simple friendship!

Photo courtesy of Flickr user Peter Alfred Hess


Okay, okay, maybe it won’t be exactly fifteen pounds, but you’re not careful you might gain a few extra inches around your waistline like I did! A lot of dining halls have buffet-style service, which can be really overwhelming with all of the tempting options. Just remember that there are healthy options in all dining halls and portion control is your friend! Many residence halls also have a gym or a recreation center conveniently located nearby in order to provide a place to exercise or take a break from the study grind. Take advantage of these places, since a part of your tuition probably goes towards the maintenance of these facilities anyway!

Photo courtesy of Flickr user elvissa

5. Don’t forget about your parents!

As excited as you were to get out of the house, you can’t help but miss your parents even just a little bit… And they miss you too! Don’t forget about them now that you’re an “adult” living on your own. Call them every few days and update them on what’s going on in your life. They’ll be happy to hear from you especially now that they can’t nag you as much as when you were living at home. Who knows, maybe the distance will better your relationship with them too! And never be ashamed to ask your parents for help while you’re away either! You’ll always be their little girl and they’ll always be willing to help.

Photo courtesy of Flickr user Elmira College

My name is Alejandra Guillen and I am a junior at Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and at Barrett, the Honors College. As most people do, I enjoy sleep, food (especially of the breakfast, gravy and meat varieties), and Ryan Gosling.